A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

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Welcome to my very first 2D Unity game! I created this to get to know the toolset and just release something. Inspired by Road Fighter for the NES with my own twist on the concept (didn't happen, will come in future update).

Basic plan is three levels of increasing difficulty and complexity. Keeping it small and simple as part of a 24 hour code challenge Iโ€™m doing with a buddy.

Just get to the end with as much fuel remaining as possible. The faster you reach the end, and the least fender-benders you experience, the more points you get. Simple right?

Since this was done like a GameJam, it only uses free assets from the following resources:


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

what-traffic-android-beta.zip 39 MB
Version 2
what-traffic-windows-beta.zip 41 MB
Version 1
what-traffic-linux-beta.zip 41 MB
Version 1
what-traffic-osx-beta.zip 50 MB
Version 2

Development log

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