Pre-Alpha Progress Update 5: I have no idea what I'm doing

I want to keep my momentum going with these posts, whether I have progress or not, to keep myself accountable.

This week has not been a good one, and my lack of Unity and C# knowledge is showing more and more.

I managed to completely break my game, and it took me 2 hours to figure out it was because I accidentally override a Unity event function on a class that inherited behavior from a base class.

And then I ran into a race condition with my scripts, which pointed out inconsistent use of certain functions, showing how much spaghetti code I’ve been writing, despite what I thought was my best effort to not do that.

The result has been more massive refactoring which has delayed me working on what I actually wanted to do; the skill selection UI.

So what I’ll be doing this week is making sure I have my game consistently working, and then I’m gonna simplify the UI for the skills a bit. No need to go all out with fancy dragging UIs with effects and animations. Keep it simple; click the skill, then click the slot. Done.

So yeah, progress is slow. My GeShiDo mentality is causing me more headaches and delays, and it seems I should be thinking things through more properly. I am still aiming for an end of Feb release, and I would rather limit the scope of what I release than delay too much.

So here’s to a smaller project, with a more deliberate and thoughtful approach.

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